Teens Tell All about...Parents
- It always matters to me how
my parents feel. I'm very honest with them about sex & they're very honest with me. Being able to communicate with them
about sex is very important so that we can help each other understand.1
- I wouldn't know what is most
helpful when parents talk about sex. My parents never talked to me, that's why I am now a dad.2
- I think schools need to be
honest about sex. They should also tell us about birth control...everything! I know that some parents don't want their kids
knowing that stuff...but, please grow up!!! Would you rather they found out about sex when some guy tells them that it's for
fun & it won't hurt & that they should trust him (or her for that matter)? - girl, 14 3
- The only way that I can think
of to prevent teen pregnancy is if parents hold a good & manageable relationship with their kids.4
- I think most parents make
the mistake of scaring their kids. Parents should tell their kids they won't punish them but that they'll be disappointed.5
- Trying to bully us into admitting
we're having sex doesn't help.6
- I knew how my parents felt
about me having sex, but I did it anyway. I didn't care what they thought. But they were right. I got pregnant at 16 & now I listen to my parents a lot more.7
- My parents don't want me
to have sex, but I don't care because I'd love to get pregnant. If I had a baby, then I'd have someone to love me & need me.8
- It's almost as if adults
are afraid to talk about it for fear they'll put the idea in our head. Well. guess what...we're already thinking about it & we need as much guidance &
advice as possible.9
- My parents don't like the
fact that I'm having sex, but they understand that if it does happen, my boyfriend wears a condom & I'm on the pill.10
- The most important factor
associated with young women being overwhelmed by the stress in life, in my opinion, is a lapse in proper parenting. Parents
need to take responsibility for their child's actions & teach them right from wrong.11
- Some kids, their parents
are always yelling at them, "If you ever have sex, I'm going to kill you! If you have sex, I'm going to do this to you!" Forget
it! I'm going to go have sex. See what you do. I'm going to go have sex just to 'piss you off!' 12
- I really don't like it when
my parents beat around the bush. I would like it if they came out & said what they meant. The most helpful thing to me
is that I hear it from my parents & not from the streets. The unhelpful thing is when they start to lecture.13
- I am a teen mom. I don't
blame my parents for my pregnancy. However, it would have been helpful if they had been a little more open about sex. It was never
discussed until they discovered that I was pregnant.14
- Oftentimes adults are hypocrites.
Adults have to become good to teach us how to be good.15
source: click here